Tuesday, August 26, 2008

30 things you don't know about me

  1. My favorite color is blue
  2. I have a friend that is related to Tom Brady ( New Engelnd Patriots quarterback)
  3. I say "m'kay" a lot at home
  4. My least favorite color is dark green
  5. My favorite book is "gates of fire'
  6. My favorite T.V show is south park
  7. My favorite movie is "the longest yard"
  8. My least favorite movie is "The butterfly effect"
  9. My least favorite sport is tennis
  10. My favorite sport is football
  11. I hate the Miami dolphins (football)
  12. I like sour more than sweet
  13. I have really soft hands
  14. I don't like dark colored fruit or vegtables
  15. My favorite song is "welcome to the jungle" by guns and roses
  16. I don't like certain genres of music i like specific songs
  17. Robles and/or Roblitos is/are my nickname(s)
  18. post it notes are scary
  19. I am horrible with computers and other bits of technology
  20. I am really bad with spelling
  21. I have a horribble short term memory
  22. I have 2 brothers
  23. My dad is manager of a restaurant
  24. I am horrible at public speaking
  25. I ask a lot of favors
  26. My least favorite T.V show is "The fairly odd parents"
  27. My least favorite number is 27
  28. my favorite number is 85
  29. I think the war on terrorism is a very vauge term
  30. I hate things that arent straight (circles, ovals other non symetrical things)


Ms. Charlotte said...

OMG! We're reading Gates of Fire for our next class book. You're going to be the class expert!

I LOVE that book.

William said...

I don't like tennis! You don't like Timmy Turner? :( C'mon Robles!

niia G said...

i blue is a cool color!

Ciara said...

omg! I love the fairly odd parents!!