Sunday, October 5, 2008

Alliteratopn, Assonance, and alliterations

Saturday morning I woke up waiting for my legs to regain feeling in them while watching T.V. It took a bit of time but I finally felt awake enough to start walking again. While making my bed I look down at the floor at the mess there was there.  So before breakfast it seemed like it would benefit everyone.  My parents went to buy some groceries which at that time left me kind of with nothing to do.  After lunch I also did nothing just sleep and check out what I had for home work.  But then I thought "I have a whole Sunday to do it" so I decided to put off until then, how hard could it be? When I found there was nothing to do I went on the On-Demand channel.  That ate up most of my day.  While I watched the movie I thought about the game on the following day.  All together it was not a pretty thought.  Sure the Dolphins where not the best but they beat a team that went 16-0.  A few minutes later my brother's and I got together and just played video games the rest of the day.  The only unfortunate part of going to sleep was the horrible medicnce I had to hold in my hand and drink, however the going to sleep afterwards is nice.  

Sunday morning I woke up not wanting to wake up.  My little brother turns on the T.V "Hey turn it off im tired" I told my brother.  All he did was lower the volume but at least he met me half way.  After I ate breakfast I went to take a bath.  After I got out I went to the couch and heard the NFL theme on CBS which meant the game was on.  Chargers vs Dolphins,  I do not know the outcome becuase I wrote this blog on half time.   

Assonce = Green
Alliteration = Blue 
Consance = Red (even though I did not undertand this one) 

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

Wow Anthony. You're one of the few people who tried to use assonance or consonance. I can tell you really worked on it as well. Great job finding the assonance in 'time finally' and 'parents went'!