Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cooking post

Well today after school we got together to make guacamole as a final product of the L.U.L.S project. The whole point of making some kind of recipe was basically to try and make ourselves live even a bit more sustainably by growing just a tiny bit of our total food supply. So basically by doing this we answer one of the essential questions of this project. "Why don't people live more sustainably?", basically because they generally don't feel like taking the time to do something to help themselves and much rather take the way that everyone else does it, or they don't feel like growing their own food. As for the second question, "how can we convince them to do so?" if we can show that we can do this (as 14 year olds) than adults can certainly do it, and it just takes a few minutes to prepare it. Most people won't do something unless they know someone else can do it.

In this recipe it called for two herbs, cilantro (which was plentiful) and cayenne peppers. There is no 'one' right way to harvest the peppers but it is mainly meant for different recipes, basically we used the peppers in their green state which after many searches over the Internet says that is when they are spiciest but they are mainly picked at the point in which they turn red to make salsa. As to why we chose this recipe, mostly because it did not require a lot of time, it was simple, and it tasted good! The process of how we actually created it is unknown to me because I had to run down to the store to buy chips to eat the guacamole with.

In the end (or when I got there) it tasted pretty good. One of the biggest things I would have changed is actually brought chips so that I wouldn't have to have ran and missed out on the process of making our guacamole. That is probably the only thing I would have changed. As to how I think, it did not really change much because I already have some of my food grown at home so I did not really expect any change.

The links below provide links to pictures (since they where to big to fit on the page)


Anonymous said...


Jessica said...

I liked how you provided different links for the pictures, it made your post a lot more organized and professional.

Gabe said...

I like how you actually put in how to harvest the pepper, I think I forgot to put that in my blog, lol. Haha, and I like the comments in the (), they added a bit of humor to your writing. :P

Dominic said...

Hey anthony, good job on actually putting the whole proccess of cooking the herb, it was a really thorough description!!

great job!